Increase your mental health & well-being for a joyful experience of life.
Some of the areas that Tawhid Mentoring Academy provides help in:
If you want to have a more caring, loving relationship with your partner, kids, parents and loved ones. TMA offers different programmes to uncover hidden challenges that might hinder this connection from happening and eliminate them.
Mental Health
There are nearly 1 billion people live with a mental disorder around the globe and one of Omar’s mission is to tackle this issue. TMA offers programmes that help people lessen their suffering through the inside-out paradigm, whether it's anxiety/ stress, fear of the future, depression or isolation.
Career & Decision Making
Several people feel stuck and don't know what to do next in & with their life. TMA offers programmes to help you get crystal-clear on your vision, strategize your plans & actions accordingly to achieve your desired goals that are aligned with who you truly are with ease and also eliminate any doubts & limiting beliefs that might be sabotaging you and holding you back.
A glimpse into Omar’s approach:
What’s New?
In this conversation, we explored the space of wellbeing and innate resilience and how it is all found by understanding our human functioning and experience. Participant brought relevant questions to the conversation and more clarity emerged as we explored more of the role of Thought in our day to day experience.
Episode 7: Explaining the Inexplicable - With Omar Ben Moussa
A deep dive into to the 3 Principles, not engaging with the thinking, and being in that space that is hard to put words to. A space that is felt and not explained. A space where everything slows down.
Upcoming 3 months Program: Starting From Scratch
Have you ever been wondering how to get the most out of the Three principles understanding?
Do you still feel stuck in an intellectual understanding of the 3 Principles and want to get beyond that?
Do you think that this is not for you and it works only for only some people but you are the exception?
Do you think you know the three principles but still for some reason suffer and cannot enjoy your life as it should be?
Are you tired of suffering needlessly from your physical or mental pain and want to finally have some peace, quiet mind and joy in your life?
Are you already enjoying the beauty of the inside-out understanding and benefit hugely from it but still want to expand, deepen your understanding and see more of the limitless potential and the never-ending insights that are available for you to see?
If the answer is yes to any or many of those questions then ‘Starting From Scratch Program’ is right for you and I invite you to click the button below to learn more about the program and how it could change you life.