A Game-Changing Insight Around Insecurity

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Few months back I had a huge insight around insecurity which brought this new fresh thought to mind that kind of completely changed my relationship with insecurity.

I remember the day it occurred to me I was feeling so insecure around some friends that were pulling my leg. It was really uncomfortable and I knew this has nothing to do with them but still felt awkward. My reaction was to leave and stay by myself for a bit. So I went for a walk near the house while listening to music. At some point I really forgot about that uncomfortable feeling and I had this thought popping out of the blue in my mind ' What if security is being okay with insecurity?' - This got me so quiet and into a really beautiful feeling as if all my insecure thought that ever existed disappeared and left once and for all. The next few days were one of the most productive days I could recall- it was pure presence and nothing in between. I didn't expect that the effect of seeing through my blind spot around insecurity could have such an impact in my life.

Few days went by, I remember having a session with my client and at some point during our conversation she brought her last experience at work and how insecure she felt talking in front of her colleagues and the more she tried to get rid of that feeling the worse it got and so I shared with her my previous experience with insecurity and asked her the exact same question that popped up in my mind when I was having that magical walk, and she got quiet and after a while she responded...'I've never looked at it this way'.

On our next session she shared this with me: ''we had a meeting with the CEO of the company and I was getting so insecure as I was presenting in front of my colleagues and the CEO, I don't know what happened to me but once I started talking all of my insecure thinking disappeared and at the end of the presentation I felt really calm as if I was speaking to a friend of mine'.

Now this doesn't mean that my clients and I won't feel insecure again, yet it brought a deeper understanding of our human experience and that entails that when we do feel insecure and are okay with that experience without trying to entertain our thinking about it in the moment, we are on our way back to security, flow & okayness.

What if security is being okay with insecurity?

PS: I’m opening 5 complimentary ‘Get Out of Your Own Way’ coaching sessions in my calendar for people who feel stuck, insecure, suffer from stress and can’t see a way out of it. Please send us an email at support@omarbenmoussa.com and will get you booked.

Big love,

Omar Ben Moussa

CEO & Founder of Tawhid Mentoring Academy Ltd, transformational coach & speaker on a mission to alleviate suffering and take every human soul on earth through the inside-out transformation for a better, fulfilling, loving experience of life.


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